Why You Should Buy An Account With League Of Legends


You might be asking yourself why I would ever want to buy an account when I can get one for no cost? There are many reasons why people decide to buy an account rather than making them themselves. Why should you purchase an League of Legends account?

It's faster than levelling yourself

One of the most popular reasons why players buy League of Legends Account are able to do this is because it saves the player the hassle of having to level their account by themselves. The current XP needed to reach level 30 takes around 20,042. The average match yields 90XP, minus booster packs. From looking at the maths this will take you around 90+ hours to get to the level of 30 assuming the average match time was 25 minutes. As you can see this is quite a long time that you must put to levelling up your account when you could be focusing on the games you are ranking.

Because you can get a League of Legends account for around $26 nowadays and, as the Goblin in World of Warcraft once said "Time is a Money Friend" You can understand why it's worth the price with all the time you'll save.

Friends from lower ranks can play with you

You can purchase an League of Legends account to allow you to start with a fresh start since all accounts are not ranked. If you have a poor match in the placement of the account you initially used, you are able to try again on a new unranked account. Smurf accounts are helpful if you're an avid player and play the game with your friends.

If you have friends who have just started playing the game and want to play with you, the likelihood is you'll need a new account. You're likely to be placed in higher-ranking games when you continue to play using your current account. Obviously nobody wants to be playing in a highly skilled game if they've never played the game before. By buying an League of Legends account you will be able to reset your rank and be able to participate in the same skill level games like your fellow players.

All accounts purchased through League of Legends include IP

The majority of League of Legends accounts you purchase from us include the additional advantage of IP and RP that comes with the account.

The average amount of IP included is 20000 IP which will be enough to purchase three legendary champions. Each legendary champion costs 6,300 IP, that's a lot of time that can be saved by farming champions. Simply purchase the champions for the specific role you're interested in playing and then go on your way. Of course, IP can be used on other things like runes that are crucial when playing ranked games.

You can buy a new account that allows you to switch roles and purchase all the runes and champions you want. It's not worth the cost of 20k IP on runes if you're planning to change from ADC to TOP lane. If you purchase a brand new League of Legends Smurfs you'll be able to purchase all the champs and runes you want without wasting time. You'll also have another account that has a different set of runes and champs to play a different function.

You can Play on an entirely new Region

Another reason why people might take the time to buy League of Legends Account, is that they'd like to change regions. EUW is believed to be among the most competitive regions for skill, so many NA players have set up their second EUW accounts to demonstrate their abilities. You can buy servers through the Riot shop for 2600RP (around $30) However, once you have switched it's hard to go back. It is possible to purchase a brand new account for a fraction of the cost. This allows you to keep your existing account from your home region and all your data. If you purchase an League of Legends account in another region, you can participate in multiple ranking leagues to show off your skills.

It's Cheaper Than Buying Champions in a single package

As most accounts for smurfs include 20k IP, you can buy approximately 4 legendary third-tier champions using this sum. The third-tier legendary champion costs around 3,150 IP or 790 RP. Based on maths, this equates to around 4,740 RP, which is roughly 36 dollars. A smurf account is less than $30 and is a great option to save money! Smurf accounts also have over 16 champions already unlock and can help you save time farming IP or even money when you purchase these accounts.

So if you're wondering what makes people want to buy League of Legends accounts then I hope this list will answer your question. There are numerous benefits of having a second League of Legends account you can see why buying accounts is becoming more and more popular.


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